15 Minute Movement (2021, WIP)

This is what I try to do every day, more or less, in about 15 minutes. (Before I do physiotherapy.) The stick figures are more visual cues than explicit instructions.

(Optional: The first 5 can be done on a vibrating platform: precede it with qigong tapping and do a one minute plank after #5.)

1. Vertigo / Balance Exercises

Head turns in 3 planes: up/down, side to side (ear to shoulder), and facing L/R.
Slow head rolls in both directions.

2. Shoulder ROM

Small arm circles front, side, overhead.
Single arm circles, front to back, large.
(Optional: add hand weights)

3. Core ROM 1

Reach overhead L+R.
Lean L+R w/o moving hips, then moving hips.
Stand in place, twist to face the back.
(Optional: add hand weights)

4. Shoulder ROM 1

Air traffic controller arms (elbows out to the side, 90deg to wrists that move fwd/up.
Arms straight out to sides, fists with thumbs rotating up/down.
Cactus arms, bring elbows in/out.
(Optional: add hand weights)

5. Core ROM 2

Hip circles.
Torso circles (head down).
‘Marilyn Monroe’ hip hikes. Says my PT 🙂

6. Shoulder ROM 2

Isometric scapula squeeze.
Doorway pec stretch.

7. Hamstring & Quad ROM

Standing, v legs, lean fwd, L, R.
Squat lunges L and R.

8. Yoga ROM 1

Down dog, up dog.
Yoga bow (not shown).

9. Yoga ROM 2

Each side:
In d-dog, circle each leg with max ROM.
Warrior 1
Warrior 3 (lean back)
Triangle pose
Right angle pose
Crescent, then stretch hamstring
Reverse right angle pose
Something I do that’s not yoga

10. Lower Body Stretches

Figure 4 stretches
Sitting V stretch
Pike (L/R/both)

11. Low Squat

12. Pelvis + Spine

Yoga plow.
Bridges with ball.
Foot to knee pelvic rotation correction.

13. Swallowing: PT For Dysphagia

Head raises (prone).
Chin tucks at multiple angles.

14. Balance

Left and right:
Balance on one foot: leg straight and forward, rotate wrists and ankles.
Knee to shoulder, ankle and quad stretches.
Yoga dancer pose.
Yoga one-leg poses: straight to front, side, then one-leg chair.
(Optional: add handweights, do these balancing on a half-ball platform.)
Yoga tree pose L + R.