Apathy And A Little Brainwashing

Huntington Disease causes apathy, but apathy is more than one thing, it lives in three domains. In some people with Parkinson Disease, emotional apathy remains, even when behavioral and social apathy is absent.

Effort for reward (motivation) is the behavioral domain. For me, this is pretty much wiped out.

Effort for other people is the social domain. Pretty much intact for me: I’m willing to do things for other people and groups.

Emotional responses and sensitivity is the third. My emotional responses feel somewhat blunted, but I am sensitive to others’ feelings. (With a caveat: I’ll need to accurately read their faces and body language and voices.) I’ve lost memory around what something felt like, emotionally. So I can remember an event, but not, sometimes, what I felt about it.

In the Parkinsons study, there was a correlation between having behavioral and social apathy and having anhedonia, the inability to enjoy doing pleasurable activities.

I don’t exactly have anhedonia. I’ve lost the memory of how enjoyable an activity is. So I won’t start. But once I start, I enjoy it.

So… I have a really hard time getting things done. Even things that, in theory, I like to do.

I’m trying to do a little brainwashing on myself, and ran into this video from Chase Hughes. It’s been super helpful 🙂