Where Is My Mind?

OK, things are getting worse. Yesterday my therapist asked for the usual credentials at the beginning of a session: name, DOB, address. I gave name and address and hesitated. Took me a minute to remember what else she’d asked for. We have done this weekly for over a month, and still I couldn’t remember.

Later the same day, I host a zoom meeting. It’s protocol to thank each person who makes a comment in their allotted time. On the very first one, I forgot. The procedurals that are automated are going downhill.

I’ve had bad days, but this was a new low. With a degenerative disorder, new lows are the new normal.

This isn’t bad or good, it’s just what is. I don’t want to post this. But the purpose of this blog is to document the decline in detail. In realtime. And I don’t feel terrible. Just a sense of urgency to get done the things I won’t be able to do.

I play musical instruments, mostly guitar and piano. And I have a back catalog of about 300 songs. I’ve recorded a couple dozen. The others are mostly lost to weird made-up notation (not tab or sheet music) and lyric fragments. Some jpegs of literal fragments of paper. I’m not sure what’s worth saving. And it’s daunting to look at it and try to sort it. Much less re-learn and re-record it.

I’ll get done what I get done. Or as my mom and her father used to answer, to lots of things: “either it will or it won’t.” And I can choose to be ok with that, too. 🙂

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